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Logan High School

Proud Members of #TEAMLogan

LHS Citizenship Policy

LHS Citizenship Plan



The Logan City School District and Logan High School mission is to ensure that all students leave our schools ready to create a positive future for themselves and their community. High School is a time for students to gain the knowledge, skills and dispositions necessary to reach this mission. As with all schools, LHS has a grading system that reflects a student’s academic knowledge. A student’s academic learning is supported by their behaviors that demonstrate a readiness to learn, responsibility, and respect, all of which are included in our definition of student citizenship. Because these behaviors contribute to each student’s success, students will earn a citizenship grade in every class. Citizenship grades will be determined using the chart below and will be based on absences, tardies, and missing assignments.

Citizenship Grades

In each quarter, students will earn a citizenship grade in each of their classes. Students will earn H (Honors), S (Satisfactory), N (Needs Improvement), or U (Unsatisfactory) for their citizenship grade. A student’s citizenship grade is only as good as their lowest category. Each teacher will use the following rubric to determine citizenship grades:

Category Honors Satisfactory Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory

Absences/ Late Tardies

Includes EXCUSED (School Excused not included)

 0-2 3-4 5 6+




0-2 3-4 5 6+
Missing Assignments 0-2 3-4 5 6+




While the citizenship grade does not impact a student’s GPA, it will appear on the student’s transcript. Additionally, citizenship grades affect students in the following ways:

  • Students can qualify for the LHS honor roll each term in one of two ways.
    • Getting a 3.5 GPA or higher 
    • Having all “H’s”
  • Any senior that graduates with all “H’s” will graduate with LHS honor cords.
  • Students who receive an “N” or “U”  citizenship grade will be put on probation and cannot participate in extracurricular activities until the “N” or “U” is made up.  This includes, but is not limited to: Student government, athletics and activities sponsored by the Utah High School Activities Association and LHS sponsored club events and competitions.   Students who fail to meet satisfactory citizenship requirements will remain ineligible to participate in extracurricular activities until citizenship grade(s) are restored (see restoration section below). Once the citizenship grade(s) is restored, the student will immediately be eligible for participation.  All restoration work needs to be completed by 7:55 AM the day of competition/performance.
  • Reports will be run on Thursday of each week to determine eligibility for the following week. 
  • In order to participate in graduation events (commencement, candlelight, L-banquet) students must have no more than  four U’s per year. This includes 1st-4th terms of Senior year.  For those that have not met this requirement, restoration must be completed by Monday of the week of graduation.  

Citizenship Restoration 

Immediate Restoration (Current Term)

Students can immediately improve their citizenship grades by restoring absences, tardies, and missing assignments, as outlined below.

Absences can be restored through one of two plans

Plan 1 (Restoration needs to be completed within 2 weeks of the return to school date.)

  1. Obtain a copy of the LHS Absence Restoration Form from your homeroom teacher .
  2. Work with your teacher to create a restoration plan for verified absence days.
  3. Complete the items listed in the restoration plan.
  4. Obtain teacher signature in column three to verify completion of restoration plan.
  5. Return the form to your homeroom teacher. 
  6. Homeroom teacher will take the form to the office or email the form to Farina Buttars.

Plan 2

  • One absence can be made up with 60 minutes of restoration.  One homeroom absence can be made up with 30 minutes of restoration.  Restoration can be done through the following methods
    1. Work with your teacher to receive before or after school assistance. 
    2. Attend the LHS After School Center (Monday-Thursday: 3-4 PM)
    3. Attend LHS Super Saturdays.

Tardies can be restored through one of the following options

Option 1

  • To restore one tardy, be to class on time for 5 consecutive class periods (excluding days absent).  Complete THIS FORM when you have been on time for 5 consecutive days for the same class to restore a tardy for that class. 

Option 2  

  • One tardy can be made up with 20 minutes of restoration. 
  • One late tardy can be made up with 60 minutes of restoration.
    1. Work with the teacher to get before or after school assistance. 
    2. Attend the LHS After School Center (Monday-Thursday: 2:50-3:50 PM)
    3. Attend LHS Super Saturdays.
    4. Lunch time restoration with citizenship coordinator

Missing Assignments- Complete the assignment.

Process for Long Term Citizenship Grade RestorationLong Term citizenship grade restoration is for students to restore and improve a citizenship grade from a previous term or year.

Option 1

  • When a student earns an S or H citizenship grade for the current term, the student can change their previous term citizenship grade by submitting the Term Citizenship form only for the same course.  Form must be submitted within three weeks of the new term.  
    • e.g.- Student earns an “H” for 2nd term in ELA 9, their citizenship grade for 1st term in ELA 9 will be replaced with an “H”.

Option 2

  • Email the Citizenship Coordinator, Mr. Ramirez, to create a restoration plan.