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Logan High School

Proud Members of #TEAMLogan


Innovations Information


Logan Innovations gives students the advantage of personalized learning while still providing the academic, elective, and extracurricular choices of a large, comprehensive high school.  Through a blended learning environment, we offer the flexibility of a digital curriculum with the structure and guidance of a traditional classroom experience.  

Because the entire curriculum for each Innovations course is available on the first day of class, students may complete a course as quickly as they demonstrate competency.  This allows students to fulfill high school graduation requirements at a faster pace, opening up their schedules for more concurrent or A.P. classes, Bridgerland Tech programs, Associates certificates, work-study options, greater elective opportunities, and early graduation.

Excellence in Teaching

Innovations teachers abide by the following beliefs:

  • All students can learn and succeed at high levels.

  • Student-centered, research-proven instruction delivered in innovative and caring ways provides the best environment for student learning.

  • Students do best when teachers know them, understand their unique learning styles, and work individually with students as needed.

Adherence to these principles has resulted in five Innovations teachers being awarded the Teacher of the Year Award at LHS in the past six years.

Student Support

LHS Innovations has the highest graduation rate in the Cache Valley.  In 2022, 97% of the Innovations seniors received their diplomas. 

Multiple supports are in place to help Innovations students succeed: 

  • Direct instruction and practice is provided for students who prefer a traditional classroom experience but still enjoy access to a digital curriculum.

  • Teachers monitor student progress regularly and create individual plans to assist them.

  • All Innovations teachers meet regularly as a team to determine how best to meet the needs of shared students, creating individual educational plans that provide the greatest opportunity for student success.

  • Students are allowed to improve a grade from a previous Innovations course, even if it was started in a prior quarter or year.

  • In addition to these unique supports, Innovations students still have access to all of the after-school, Super Saturday, and 24/7 free face-to-face online tutoring opportunities LHS offers all of its students.

Blended Learning

The Innovations program uses a blended learning model which allows a more personalized approach to education. Instruction is delivered through a classroom teacher using a digital curriculum that is web-based in a face-to-face setting. Many different formats and schedules are possible with this model, and teachers utilize whole-class, small-group, and individual instruction to help students grasp concepts and skills necessary to achieve course competency.

Blended courses provide the following benefits: 

  • Differentiated instruction is provided to meet specific needs with some classes allowing students to test out of concepts they have already mastered so they can focus on areas they find more challenging.

  • Learning flexibility is created within and outside of the 6.5 hour school day, permitting access to online courses and curriculum 24/7, 365 days a year.

  • Students can work through the summer to get ahead or preview course material.

  • Courses can be completed early to provide more time to take additional concurrent, A.P., Bridgerland Tech, or elective courses.  

  • Previous Innovations coursework can be accessed at any time during the high school years to improve grades and earn graduation credit.

The goal of Innovations is to provide a framework for EVERY student to meet their educational needs and unique learning style, to re-engage students in learning, and to increase student achievement.