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Logan High School

Proud Members of #TEAMLogan

Dances/Stomps Expectations

Dances/Stomps Expectations

Dances are designed to provide a safe and fun atmosphere for students. To help protect the safety of all who attend the dances, please note that there is no “moshing”, slam dancing, “freak or grind” dancing, nor any behavior (dance or otherwise) that is considered inappropriate or unsafe by school personnel.

Should students engage in such behavior (dance or otherwise), they are subject to:

  1. Warned by a teacher or admin and given the opportunity to correct their behavior
  2. Asked to leave or
  3. If students continue to not follow dance expectations at a 2nd dance they may be suspended from dances for a portion or remainder of the year.

Students who are believed to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs will be referred to local law enforcement and not allowed to stay at the dance/stomp.

Students will be expected to show a current Logan High School I.D. or a copy of their current schedule to enter the dance. If LHS students are bringing a guest from another school they and their guest will need to sign the expectations contract to participate. Guests will need to show high school issued I.D.

All students attending Logan High dances will be expected to follow the Logan High School Dress and Appearance expectations. Students not following the expectations will be expected to resolve the situation by one of the following solutions: 1)Change their apparel to meet the standard 2)Wear an item of clothing provided by school personnel or 3)Choose to leave the dance.

School dances end promptly at 11:00pm and students are expected to exit the proceedings in a timely fashion.

Stomps will follow the same dance expectations listed above. They will end at various times and students will be expected to leave in a timely fashion at the conclusion of the Stomp