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Logan High School

Proud Members of #TEAMLogan

Dress and Appearance Expectations

LHS Dress and Appearance Expectations

Logan High School has implemented the following dress and appearance expectations for students. Please refer to the graphic below as you read the dress and appearance expectations. Dress and Appearance Expectations include (but are not limited to) the following:

  1. Hats and other headwear may be worn unless it disrupts the school or school activity, limits the ability of others to identify the student or is being used to conceal earbuds/headphones.
  2. Clothing (See figure):
    1. While standing, clothing must cover all areas of the body as identified in the illustration below. Note that the illustration is the same for front and back clothing.
    2. No viewable undergarments (Bra straps excluded). No spaghetti straps.
    3. Clothing should be made of a fabric that is not see through.
    4. If there are holes or rips in the clothing identified in the illustration below, there needs to be an undershirt or other clothing item worn underneath so that skin is not showing..
  3. Clothing, appearance, jewelry, accessory, footwear, or personal items shall be free of any writing, images, symbols, or any other insignias that:
    1. Are lewd, vulgar, profane, obscene, or sexually suggestive.
    2. Advocate, represent, or promote racism, discrimination, or violence in any form.
    3. Signify or depict gangs and/or illegal or criminal activities. Administrators in consultation with law enforcement agencies will determine what signifies and/or depicts these activities.
    4. Show or reference tobacco, alcohol, drugs, or any illegal substance.
  4. Sunglasses may not be worn within the school except as a part of an approved school activity or for medical reasons.
  5. Footwear, appropriate for the day’s activities, shall be worn at all times.
  6. Costumes are prohibited; except during days identified by the school administration.
  7. Any dress or appearance item or practice that creates an unhealthy or unsafe environment, or causes a disruption to the school environment or school activity, may be prohibited.
  8. Clothing worn as part of a PE course needs to follow the LHS Dress and Appearance Expectations.
  9. Clothing worn as a student spectator at athletic events or when in attendance at school sponsored activities needs to follow the LHS Dress and Appearance Expectations.
  10. Student athletes will wear clothing appropriate for their sport or activity while practicing and competing (i.e- wrestling singlets, swimsuits, cheer uniforms, etc.), but will follow dress and appearance expectations during the regular school day
  11. Formal and informal wear for dances will follow the same standards with a few variations. The areas in the image below should be covered; however, the front or back of the apparel can be lower cut as long as the middle of the chest and lower back are covered. In addition, the torso should be covered. Straps are not required, but encouraged. Clothing should be made of a fabric that is not see through

School administrators will have final judgment on all matters concerning interpretation of student dress and appearance.

Dress code expectations